Transitioning to Farm Life and Future Aspirations

Weekly Update for June 2-8, 2024.

Hello readers!

If you’ve been wondering about my recent whereabouts, here’s a quick update on what’s been happening in my life. A lot has changed over the last year. In the last year, my family has moved from living in the city limits to living on a 35-acre homestead in the making. We had to move twice because our house in town sold before our new home was ready, causing us to sojourn in a rental for three months. It’s been almost a year since we moved into the farmhouse, and it has become our peaceful haven. And I love every minute.

Also, I completed my M.A. in Biblical and Theological Studies from Belhaven University with honors. I decided last month to pursue a ThD in New Testament with an emphasis on Luke’s writings at Andersonville Theological Seminary. Since I lack some of the language requirements, I am completing some leveling with their Master of Biblical Studies in New Testament. Basically, I’m taking the Greek language courses.


Upon finishing the ThD program, which usually takes 5-7 years, I will have authored a few commentaries and a dissertation. The primary motivation behind my enrollment in the program is its ability to propel me towards my writing aspirations. I want to help teach the Bible to others by writing books, both non-fiction and fiction. I’m planning on sharing my progress with all my free newsletter subscribers.

Well, that’s a summary of what has been going on with me over the past several months. Hope to hear from you along the way!



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