Blue Friday Deal with Logos Continue

Unlock Savings with Logos Bible Software: Get 20% Off and More Through My Affiliate Links!

Are you passionate about deepening your biblical studies and enhancing your spiritual journey? If so, Logos Bible Software is a must-have tool for you. This powerful software offers an extensive library of resources, advanced search capabilities, and a suite of tools designed to help you dive deeper into the Scriptures. And now, I’m excited to share an exclusive offer with you: save 20% on your purchase of Logos Bible Software through my affiliate links until July 1!

Why Choose Logos Bible Software?

Logos Bible Software is renowned for its comprehensive and user-friendly platform, making it an essential tool for pastors, theologians, students, and anyone looking to study the Bible more effectively. Here’s why you should consider investing in Logos:

  1. Extensive Library: Access thousands of books, commentaries, and academic resources right at your fingertips.
  2. Advanced Search Tools: Quickly find passages, explore themes, and cross-reference texts with ease.
  3. Interactive Media: Engage with infographics, videos, and other multimedia resources to enrich your understanding.
  4. Personalized Study Plans: Create custom reading plans and track your progress effortlessly.
  5. Mobile Access: Study on the go with the Logos app, available on both iOS and Android.

How to Save 20% on Logos Bible Software

I’m thrilled to offer you an exclusive 20% discount on Logos Bible Software through my affiliate links. Here’s how you can take advantage of this special offer:

  1. Click the Affiliate Link: Use my affiliate link to access the Logos Bible Software website. Click Here
  2. Choose Your Package: Explore the various packages available and select the one that best suits your needs. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re a seasoned scholar, there’s a package for everyone.
  3. Apply the Discount: The 20% discount will be automatically applied at checkout, so you can start enjoying your savings right away.

Additional Benefits Through My Affiliate Links

Beyond the 20% discount, purchasing through my affiliate links offers additional perks:

  • Exclusive Updates: Stay informed about the latest updates, new resources, and special promotions from Logos.
  • Support My Work: By using my affiliate links, you’re supporting my efforts to provide valuable content and resources to the community.

Don’t Miss Out!

This is a limited-time offer ending July 1, so don’t miss your chance to save 20% on one of the most powerful Bible study tools available. Whether you’re a pastor preparing sermons, a student writing papers, or simply someone who wants to deepen their understanding of the Bible, Logos Bible Software is an invaluable resource.

Click here to get started and unlock your savings today: Click here

Thank you for supporting my work and happy studying!

Blue Friday Flash Sale: Save 20% on Logos 10 and More!

Logos is giving Black Friday deals in the middle of the summer with Blue Friday Flash sale!

As a pastor, Christian educator, and theological writer, I use Logos every day! This software helps me save time while going deeper in sermon preparation, counseling, and various writing projects. I know it can help you study deeper and faster, too. That’s why I became a Logos Bible Software affiliate, so I can offer these great deals to you!

Have you been looking to purchase Logos Bible Software? Now is a great time to take the plunge and purchase the greatest Bible Software, because you can get Logos 10 and save 20%!

Or maybe you’ve eyed the Teach the Text Commentary Series (21 vols.), which retails for $455.99, is on sale for $182.39! That’s a saving of 60%! The International Exegetical Commentary on the Old Testament (IECOT) and The New International Greek Testament Commentary (NIGTC) Commentary Collection (23 vols.) is only $449.99 until July 1! If you love Spurgeon, Spurgeon the Pastor: Recovering a Biblical and Theological Vision for Ministry is marked down from $13.99 to only $6.99. These are only a few of the deals that dropped June 21 (and they last until July 1).

Just click the links or graphics to see more great deals!

By making purchases through these links, I earn a commission as a Logos affiliate. Your purchases help me keep working as a Christian writer. Thanks for your support!

Stay tuned for more deals dropping June 28! Please share this post on your social media!

Transitioning to Farm Life and Future Aspirations

Weekly Update for June 2-8, 2024.

Hello readers!

If you’ve been wondering about my recent whereabouts, here’s a quick update on what’s been happening in my life. A lot has changed over the last year. In the last year, my family has moved from living in the city limits to living on a 35-acre homestead in the making. We had to move twice because our house in town sold before our new home was ready, causing us to sojourn in a rental for three months. It’s been almost a year since we moved into the farmhouse, and it has become our peaceful haven. And I love every minute.

Also, I completed my M.A. in Biblical and Theological Studies from Belhaven University with honors. I decided last month to pursue a ThD in New Testament with an emphasis on Luke’s writings at Andersonville Theological Seminary. Since I lack some of the language requirements, I am completing some leveling with their Master of Biblical Studies in New Testament. Basically, I’m taking the Greek language courses.


Upon finishing the ThD program, which usually takes 5-7 years, I will have authored a few commentaries and a dissertation. The primary motivation behind my enrollment in the program is its ability to propel me towards my writing aspirations. I want to help teach the Bible to others by writing books, both non-fiction and fiction. I’m planning on sharing my progress with all my free newsletter subscribers.

Well, that’s a summary of what has been going on with me over the past several months. Hope to hear from you along the way!



PS- If you want to keep abreast of what’s happening, please subscribe to my newsletter for free!

Riding & Writing

Riding my bicycle inspired me to write again.

Waking early for a Saturday morning, I wheeled my bike out of the shed. Taking a moment to for pre-ride inspection, I made sure the tires were properly inflated. With everything in order, I set off on the road, making my way to the church office to tackle some last-minute tasks for Easter Services tomorrow.

The scenic route treated me to a picturesque sight of fields covered in sour grass, their feathery stalks rustling in the breeze under clear blue skies. Birds soared through the sky above me while cars whizzed past as I pedaled along, the air cool on my face. All-in-all, I pedaled for 35.9 miles, there and back.

Taking in my surroundings, I realized that riding my bicycle inspires me to write. The roads around Coffee County look different at 15 mph. At this speed, you can discover the treasures of creation in an ordinary ditch or roadside creek. Creeks filled with wildlife that are equally intrigued by your presence as you are by theirs. Going slow has a certain charm to it. At least, it does for me.

Each ride I take is a reminder of my writer’s soul as I absorb the details of the world around me. Observing the world around me sparks my imagination and fuels my passion to document those moments on the page.

I took a ride today, and now I am writing again.  

Identifying Idols

“I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:”

Exodus 20:2-4

Idolatry seems archaic. We imagine worshippers bowing in obeisance to ancient carved statues, but idols are more than the stones of the past. We still struggle with this sin because idolatry is a heart issue. The Bible speaks with clarity on the subject. God ranked this sin at the top of the Ten Commandments. The New Testament writers say we should flee from and guard ourselves from idols. But what is idolatry? How can we identify an idol today?

The modern-day idols hide in the corridors of our hearts. They manifest themselves through our thoughts and actions. The Apostle Paul writes, “Therefore consider the members of your earthly body as dead to immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and greed, which amounts to idolatry” (Colossians 3:5). Did you catch this list of sins that “amount to idolatry?”

In the past, the outworking of an idolatrous heart presented itself in handmade deities. Worshippers devoted their lives to a product of their own making. We may not hold a graven idol in our hands, but if we give our preeminent devotion to anything other than God, it is sinful. Our relationships, careers, and even ministries can become idols.

If we are not diligent to examine our inner life, our hearts will erect an altar of offense to God. We need to see the truth of John Calvin’s statement that the “human heart is a factory of idols.” We must allow the Spirit to walk through the hallways of our heart. Giving Him access to enter any door that He knocks on.

If you refuse to heed the knocking of the Spirit, you are guilty of idolatry. Christ should possess preeminence in every aspect of our lives. We have all ignored the Spirit, but God is gracious to uproot idols and continue His work in us. Believers have a guarantee of forgiveness if we confess our sins (see 1 John 1:9). The knock at the door of your heart will only grow louder. For God is jealous and will not share His glory with another. Do you hear the Spirit knocking at your heart’s door? Open and allow Him to identify the idol in your life.