Riding & Writing

Riding my bicycle inspired me to write again.

Waking early for a Saturday morning, I wheeled my bike out of the shed. Taking a moment to for pre-ride inspection, I made sure the tires were properly inflated. With everything in order, I set off on the road, making my way to the church office to tackle some last-minute tasks for Easter Services tomorrow.

The scenic route treated me to a picturesque sight of fields covered in sour grass, their feathery stalks rustling in the breeze under clear blue skies. Birds soared through the sky above me while cars whizzed past as I pedaled along, the air cool on my face. All-in-all, I pedaled for 35.9 miles, there and back.

Taking in my surroundings, I realized that riding my bicycle inspires me to write. The roads around Coffee County look different at 15 mph. At this speed, you can discover the treasures of creation in an ordinary ditch or roadside creek. Creeks filled with wildlife that are equally intrigued by your presence as you are by theirs. Going slow has a certain charm to it. At least, it does for me.

Each ride I take is a reminder of my writer’s soul as I absorb the details of the world around me. Observing the world around me sparks my imagination and fuels my passion to document those moments on the page.

I took a ride today, and now I am writing again.